Autumn, I'll miss you until I see you again
posted 2/26/24
Autumn was loving and friendly. She was a total shadow cat, always wanting to be around people. She always made these little squeaks of excitement whenever I walked into a room. I miss her face her warmth. I miss her unconditional love. Although she didn't come from the best circumstances, you'd never know given her demeanor. Animals have an amazing capacity to love, I wish I could've loved her with her being present for a longer time. She'll always be in my heart and I'll miss her until I see her again.

I sent you a million kisses, Buster Blue
posted 2/25/202
We didn't get to spend Christmas together Buster and dress you in your Santa's helper outfit.
This New Year, no fireworks for you and me. Last year you and Sonny Boy, your kitty brother, played chase and made videos. People liked your videos!
Nothing feels happy with you and Sonny gone. I am so sorry you both got sick. Buster Blue you watched over Sonny as he passed. He was such a great big brother and you kept him young.
Buster I hope you are free and happy. I hope your with Sonny and your grand mommy. You were and are my sweet sweet boy. I hope Jesus let you be His helper and that the angels are bright around you. I pray you won’t ever forget my love for you. If I could take a train or plane or walk to heaven, I would gladly come.
For some reason God has taken you to join the family, and here I am missing everyone. You know Grand mommy but you have other family you never met but they will love you.
I loved every minute with you. You gave me a shield of comfort and love. I miss you so much. I can not express, how much you meant to me in life and now in my heart and soul. I send you a million kisses .
I love you Buster Blue.

My little Gucci girl, you will be in my heart and memories always
Posted 12/29/2021 4:20 p.m.
Gucci's passing has left such a gap in my heart and life.
I miss her companionship,
Her comedian playful ways,
Her silly dances of joy,
Her fun and exploring times,
Her climbing up the bed to wake me,
Her scratching at my ankles to be picked up,
Her kissing my face when I've had a bad day,
Her quiet moments sleeping in my arms,
Her love and choosing me to share it with.
I will always cherish these moments of her,
and will carry them in my thoughts forever.
We can't ever forget that little face
Anaya Grace ❤️
Posted 12/9/2021 4:00 p.m.
A few words for the blog about our beloved Anaya Grace:
Anaya Grace was our loving friendly ferret who filled our lives with so much joy and spontaneity for two amazing years. Her personality was curious, her spirit endless, and she loved to hop about "dooking" to her heart's content. We miss her little face, her little kisses, and her cute little sneezes. We will miss the light of love inside her soul so very much.
RIP Anaya Grace Pothier

Faith was my opinionated calico and Cookie was
my silly tuxedo cat
posted 1/15/2022 3:45 p.m.
Faith and Cookie were my constant companions on car rides, and they even made the drive with me when I moved from NY to CA. Faith was not thrilled about getting a little sister, but Cookie charmed her. Despite occasional ear-biting, they were a good team. I lost my beloved Faith in June 2019 and my precious Cookie in April 2020.

Within a 7 month period of time, I lost 3 of my kids. Mandy (collie) had to be put down at the old age of 14. She was my last collie and beautiful. Maeve (St Bernard) and Milo (Pom) were my heart dogs and died totally expectantly – it shattered my heart. Hug your kids and cherish each and every moment because you don't know how long you will have them. I miss the shedding, slobbering, and general mess but most of all I miss being able to hug my babies and tell them how very much I love them.
Mandy, Maeve and Milo
posted 12/30/2021 3:59 p.m.
Posted 12/30/21 4:07 p.m.
Romeo was my heart dog. He came from a litter of 9 that we had. Originally we called him "Big Boy", but soon changed his name to "Romeo" as we quickly realized that he was a "love bug" in every sense of the word. He quickly attached himself to me and literally became my shadow. In the summer, when it was time to mow the lawn, Romeo wanted me to play with him by throwing his tennis ball. If he felt I wasn't paying enough attention to him, he would walk up to me as I was mowing and drop his tennis ball onto the mower deck. As you can see in the picture, he loved going "bye-bye" in the car. He wasn't happy unless the window was rolled down so he could hang his big head out the window. And true to his name, everyone loved Romeo. Read more

Brianna- the best dog daughter ever!
Posted 10/24/21 1:25 p.m.
C’mon, mom let’s go on our next adventure! I love and miss her so much!! Brianna, you were the best dog daughter ever and I was so blessed to be your dog mom, Jan

Our Christmas Dream Chevy
Posted 11/22/2019 at 9:50 a.m.
Our names are Chris & Sherry. We had an almost 16-year old Corgi named Chevy that was our life… in every aspect. He was, in his own right, our little celebrity, because it seemed like everyone knew him. He was our Christmas gift to each other the first year we were in our home, as well as the ring bearer in our wedding. Learn More

Sam, my one in a million sweet boy!
Posted October 31, 2019 at 9:49 a.m.
In the Fall of 2006 at a mall, my local animal shelter was trying to adopt seven puppies whose mother was rescued from a drug bust. Not wanting a dog because of my work schedule, I stood off to the side as my wife played with the puppies. One puppy was sitting on the side staring at me. Learn More
Skyla: Luv-a-Bull Pretty Pittie Princess
Posted on January 20, 2019, at 5:32 p.m.
My husband and I raised Skyla since she was 8 weeks old. She was a pit bull (the runt of a litter of 8 and only white pit bull) and she had the ideal situation for her breed growing up. Learn More

My Sweet Senior Mifflin
Posted July 5, 2018, at 1:30 p.m.
This is a story about my sweet senior poodle named Mifflin. Mifflin spent most of her life in a puppy mill where she was bred over and over again by selfish humans to make money for them.
Posted March 10, 2017, at 12:30 a.m.
Peach was still a little kitten when I started taking her back and forth to college with me, a two-plus hour one-way trip. Neither of us liked the drive, but she was a great little traveler, and when we got to my apartment, she owned the place. Learn More
Love and miss you!
Puss Puss was always chasing me around the house since he was a little kitten.
I will miss and love you forever. Love- Jenni

Kirby- we will always love you!
Posted on November 22, 2016, at 12:00 a.m.
Nearly fourteen years ago the Summit County Humane Society had an approximately two years old cute and very thin Shepherd-Akita mixed dog with snow on his nose that caught Therese's attention. Therese and Kirby knew what they were doing because we brought him home and he turned out to be the most wonderful dog a family could have. Learn More
The Bubbles
posted October 26, 2015, at 12:05 a.m
I have always considered myself to be a strong man. Mentally strong, I mean, able to do what has to be done no matter how difficult. I could, but won’t, cite dozens of examples of times that I endured grievous pain, both physical and mental, and handled it stoically Learn More